I. Survey
Surveying is the science and art of making all essential measurements to determine the relative position of points or physical and cultural details above, on, or beneath the surface of the Earth, and to depict them in a usable form, or to establish the position of points or details. We are doing following surveys in our works;
Prior to field Survey a detailed reconnaissance of the entire area for planning of pipe Distribution network has been carried out. Primary Differential Global positioning system (DGPS) is used to establish Ground control points (GCP) and Secondary control points (SCP) with three hours observation in the project area.
Drones are continually proving to be powerful commercial tools, simultaneously providing adopters with leaps in efficiency and safety. The surveying and mapping industry is no exception with their ability to capture data from above, drones have been successfully integrated into surveying workflows to perform land surveys, photogrammetry, 3D mapping, topographic surveying, and more.
This section offers services that combine determining the positions of points on the surface of the earth and measuring the distances, directions, angles, and elevations between them. This data helps accurately create maps and determine plot boundaries.
Distance measurement is usually regarded as the most fundamental of surveying observations. In traditional ground surveys, although many angles might be read, the length of at least one line has to be measured to supplement the angles in locating points. In-plane surveying, the distance between two points means the horizontal distance. When the points are at different elevations, the distance is the horizontal length between vertical lines in the points.
A total station is an optical surveying instrument that uses electronics to calculate angles and distances. It combines the functions of a theodolite with that of a transit level and electronic distance meter (EDM). It also has an integrated microprocessor, electronic data collector, and storage system that allow measurements to be stored on the device (which can be uploaded to a computer for further processing).
Surveys allow us to measure the depth of a water body and map the underwater features of a water body. Multiple methods can be used for bathymetric surveys including multi-beam and single-beam surveys, ADCPs and sub-bottom profilers.
II. Mapping
It is important to represent ground profile precisely on paper. The aim of surveying is to make plans and maps to show various objects on the ground at their relative position to suitable scale.
III. Hydraulic Design and Estimates
In LIS water is lifted from lower level to higher level with the help of pumps and other equipment. Distribution is the most complex, for several reasons. First, whereas the system for collecting water at the main delivery chamber makes use of pumps, the distribution system is typically completely gravity-based, and has to be designed solely on the basis of the available hydraulic head.
ii.Pipe Distribution Network.
The Pipe Distribution Network where water is directly distributed to field either with external force by pump or through gravity is called as Pipe Distribution Network. In this system water is pumped from source to field outlet. This type of Irrigation system can be adopted in Command Area which is to be irrigated is at higher level than source or lower than source, weir, etc.
iii. Command Area Development and Water Management Works
The main objective of CAD&WM programmed is to enhance utilization of irrigation potential created and improve agriculture productivity and production on a sustainable basis through integrated and coordinated approach involving multidisciplinary team.
iv. Open Canals
The irrigation system consists of a (main) intake structure or (main) pumping station, a conveyance system, a distribution system, a field application system, and a drainage system. Organization has completed many irrigation schemes since 1970.
v. Open Channel Development Works This kind of works includes converting open canal and their command into Pipe Distribution Network through gravity. We have performed detailed construction plan for this works.
vi. Design of Hydraulic Structures
The organization has performed design of many Hydraulic structures like dam, KT weir, etc.
Our work in water management is quite appreciable. The organization has completed work of preparation of DPRs for many water supply schemes.
ii. Design of Elevated Storage Reservoir (ESR)
An elevated water tank is a large water storage container constructed for the purpose of holding water supply at certain height to provide sufficient pressure in the water distribution system. The water tanks are majorly classified into water tank resting on ground, under the ground and the water tank about the ground. We have performed designs of many ESR.
iii. Design of Ground Service Reservoir (GSR)
Distribution reservoirs, also called service reservoirs, are the storage reservoirs, which store the treated water for supplying water during emergencies (such as during fires, repairs, etc.) and also to help in absorbing the hourly fluctuations in the normal water demand.
i. Design of Water Treatment Plant (WTP) along with Intake Well and clear water sump. The organization has performed hydraulic designs of all structures of Water Treatment Plant